Base Color Bar = Shield Security

  • Ministry of Ontario Approved.
  • Online 24/7. 10,000+ Graduated. 
  • Job Placement Help for Graduates.  


Security Guard License.

Shield Security is one of the biggest Security Guard Training facilities in the Province of Ontario. Over the years, Shield Security has graduated over 10,000+ Students. All are either still working steady and stable jobs or have moved onto bigger enforcement roles as a Private investigator, Armed Security of even joining the local police force. 

We are licensed by the Ministry of Community and Correctional Services in Ontario to provide Security Guard Licensing Training. Our Course has been built by experienced security officers carrying  more than 20+ Years on the field. 

When it comes to Security Guard Training, we know what we are doing. You may find some companies that will offer you a license for a few bucks cheaper but is it worth it? Absolutely not. When companies looking to hire you ask you intricate questions about the job, show them that you are prepared and know what to do. Our Course will prepare you for the field from Day 1! 

Ontario's #1 Security Training Provider

+1 647-400-3581

Looking to Become a Security Guard In Ontario? Let Us Help You.

Shield Security Acquires Base Color Bar Domain

Base Color Bar

Shield Security Solutions has recently announced the acquisition of the domain, marking another significant step in the company’s ongoing expansion strategy. This acquisition represents more than just an addition to Shield’s digital assets; it underscores the company’s commitment to enhancing its online presence and broadening its reach within the security industry., previously a standalone entity, will now be integrated into Shield Security Solutions’ extensive portfolio. This strategic move is aimed at leveraging the domain’s established digital footprint and traffic to bolster Shield’s marketing efforts and customer engagement. By incorporating, Shield aims to offer a more seamless and robust user experience for its clients, providing easier access to information about their cutting-edge security solutions and services.

Shield Security Solutions has been on an upward trajectory, consistently pursuing opportunities for growth and innovation. The acquisition of is part of a larger strategy to identify and integrate valuable assets that align with the company’s vision and goals. Shield’s CEO expressed enthusiasm about the acquisition, highlighting that it not only expands their digital reach but also enhances their ability to serve their growing customer base with top-tier security solutions.

Looking forward, Shield Security Solutions is poised to continue its aggressive expansion strategy. The company is actively seeking more acquisitions that can add value to its operations and drive further growth. By acquiring complementary businesses and domains, Shield aims to strengthen its market position, diversify its offerings, and deliver even greater value to its customers. As Shield Security Solutions continues to grow, it remains dedicated to innovation, excellence, and delivering superior security solutions to meet the evolving needs of its clients.

Security License

Frequently Asked Questions

Can’t I just apply for my security guard license from the ministry without your Ontario security training?

Great Question. The Ministry itself does not directly issue security guard licenses (security license). They use Ontario security training intermediaries like security guard agencies and private career colleges to do it for them. Therefore you cannot directly obtain a guard license from the ministry.  Shield Security is a registered security guard agency that is an intermediary of the ministry. We are registered on their website and have all out paperwork in order.

How do small businesses use your Ontario security training course?

Small Businesses all over Ontario (the world really) use Security Guard services to protect themselves. This can be anything from theft, violence and any incidental accidents that occur in their stores. All guards in Ontario must have a guard license in order to work in the industry as a security guard. Whether it is a restaurant or private banquet hall, everyone uses security guards. Obtaining the license will give you the freedom to work as a security guard in Ontario. The presence of Security guards also deters any potential threats that may have taken place in the absence of security officers and cameras.

How Can Construction and Home Improvement Companies use Security Guard Services?

When you hire a Security company, you are essentially hiring a protection service. Security Guards who have a valid Guard License are trained to handle and thwart any potential hazards . This can be the theft of equipment to damaging your property. Shield Security Solutions helps prepare you for the real world of Security by providing you an in-depth course. Knowing all the protocols during an emergency can help you earn a good reputation.

Can I work as a Security Guard for the rest of my life with this Security License?

No. You can certainly work as a Security Guard for the rest of your life but….there is an expiry date to your guard license. While we encourage you to remain in this industry, there is an expiration date that you must be aware off. This is usually two years after you receive your initial license.

What do I need in order to Apply for my Ontario Security Training License?

Great Question. There are a few requirements that you must be aware off:

Who can get a Ontario Security Licence:

To be eligible for a licence:

Basic training and testing requirements

Before you apply for a licence, you must:

  1. Take the security guard or private investigator basic training course.
  2. Pass the security guard or private investigator basic test
Am I guaranteed to get a job as a security guard once I complete your course?

We cannot state that you are GUARANTEED a job as a security guard once you complete our course. HOWEVER…most of our graduates (around 95%) go on to find work within the first month of completing our course and receiving their license. Placement with companies as a security guard will mostly depend on your interview skills and resume. There is a constant demand for security guards as people and businesses can be too safe. If you are having a hard time finding work as a security guard once you complete our course and receive your license, Send us an email. We have helped several students and immigrants in the past secure some work as security guards with some of the biggest companies in Ontario.

Are there any hidden fees you are not telling me about?

Good Question. No. There are no hidden fees at Shield Security. Our Course is priced at $64.99! If you choose to go ahead with out First Aid option as well, you are looking at an additional $64.99! Most people more often than not already have their first aid training in place and usually sign up for the basic training. So short answer….no hidden fees. We are the cheapest provider for  guard license in Ontario. We take pride in being affordable and look forward to working with you!

Why Should I Choose Shield Security Solutions for my Ontario Security license?

The biggest reason why most people choose Shield Security is due our cheap prices and exceptional service. We do everything in our power to equip you with all the knowledge you will need on the field for your position as a security guard. On top of the cheap prices and exception service, we have

helped several immigrant find employment in the industry. We are really good at what we do and take pride in our service. While you are encouraged to look around, you will not see a price and service quality that we are able to offer you at Shield Security! 

How long do I need to complete this course?

40 Hours. You will need to spend at least 40 hours on the course materials to meet the mandatory requirement of the ministry. The best thing of online courses is that you can go past that time if you need more time! If you have any questions throughout the process as well, feel free to reach out to us at!

Ready to Get Started?

All our Security Guard License courses are competitively priced. Our timely service will be sure to impress you. We do everything we can to meet and exceed your expectations. 

Shield Security Solutions