Survivors told the Times they desperately wanted to stay in Florida to continue medical treatment.
Floridians who voted by mail in 2022 must re-up requests for mail-in ballots for the 2024 election.
The first-of-its-kind policy, which takes effect Tuesday, aims to cut down on high-speed police chases.
Glen Gilzean, a DeSantis political ally, makes $205,000 as Orange County’s supervisor of elections and $20,000 a month from Florida’s Disney World oversight district.
Jump in the 1959 Caddy for a strange journey with Dave Robicheaux’s go-to guy, Clete Purcel.
Construction is underway for a new food hall that will feature several different Asian fusion eateries, from the owner of nearby Champion Pizza.
‘There’s climate change, forget all those times we’ve nodded our head yes and told you that you can live there,” said one insurance industry analyst.
We set out on a Halloween hunt to see if it was already time for pumpkins and mummies.




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