Jiu-Jitsu For Everyone

Get Started With A Free Class


Do you struggle with


Without discipline, there is no mastery, neither in Jiu-Jitsu nor in life. Discipline equals freedom!

Time Management

“I don’t have time to workout.”  Familiar? This is a very common excuse that your brain makes up to keep you from accomplishing something difficult.


Do you have a hard time sticking to a routine? Our classes are fun and addictive and we’ll be there to support you along the way.


Don’t like to work out at a gym because you get bored? You’re not alone. Jiu-Jitsu is like a human game of chess, keeping your workouts exciting!


A Few Reasons to Get Started


Contact Us

Give us a call or send us an email/text and we will answer any questions you might have.


Schedule Your Free Class

Give us a try with no attachments and meet the staff and some of the students that train with us.


See You on the Mats!

Our goal is to do for you , what Jiu-Jitsu has done for us.

Hear what our members have to say

“This is a great club with a warm and friendly culture. The instructors are world class. I’ve made some of my best friends here. I’ve been a member here for 8 years and every week I still I look forward to training with my friends and having fun.”

~ Joscelin Magana

“I came to Gracie Barra Encinitas on a whim about 4 years ago when I was looking for a way to stay in shape and learn some self defense skills. From a lifestyle perspective, it is hands down one of the best decisions Ive ever made! Great group of instructors and great group of guys (and girls) to train with. To put it into perspective, my family and I are looking for a new house and my main criteria is to be within a 15 minute drive of GBE!”

~ George Richards

“It has been two years that my 7 and 5 years old sons are training Jiu Jtsu on GB Encinitas and they absolutely love it. Its a great family environment, the instructors make sure to teach our kids what they know best, from being strong to respecting each other. We are very happy to belong in this community and can’t wait for my two year old son to join them.”

~ Lise Nicholson