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are high-performance,

purpose-driven people

who stand out from the crowd with a brilliant light and a focused beam. Our clients are successful in life because they learn the skills necessary to overcome their obstacles, develop their talents, and perform to the best of their abilities.


Teresa Hill-Putnam (Owner)

After Owning and Directing a large Performing Arts School for over 35 years, Teresa Hill-Putnam is now a

Performance Coach,

Business Consultant,

Empowerment Coach,

and Motivational Speaker. 

Teresa also offers private Skills Coaching for Singers, Actors, Dancers, and Performers from all around the world.


Teresa has been teaching since 1985. She has published five books, has a podcast called "Overcoming Obstacles Through Positive Thinking," and has been featured in several documentaries.

Teresa is also a mom and a "Grammy."



Spotlight's Mission​

It is Spotlight's mission to operate a positive and professional learning environment where clients of all ages can receive quality coaching and loving support.


Spotlight's purpose is to provide a fun, educational, and safe place for clients from all around the world to learn, grow, and develop their talents.

We aim to bring out the talent, charisma, and self-assurance necessary for our clients to be successful in life.


We provide every client with respect, positive encouragement, empowerment, and quality coaching in a safe and wholesome environment in which they can strive to reach their goals.

VIRTUAL Coaching allows Teresa to work with clients

In-Person Coaching, Workshops,
Speaking Engagements, Performances, and Special Events are available upon request. 

(Based in Los Angeles,
but may be willing to travel)

For scheduling, please contact us at 


or send an email to

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