
Papa J's Journal

Pray Anyway
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Daily Devotional with Pastor Jon

June 7

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind ...

Romans 12:2

Every one of us is in one of two categories: conformer or transformer. Right now you’re either trying to figure out what she’s wearing, what he’s driving, or how you can fit in and be cool — or, like J.B. Phillips, you’re saying, ‘I don’t care what the world is doing. I’m not going to let it squeeze me into its mold.’

Are you a thermometer — adjusting to the temperature of the culture, or are you a thermostat — changing the climate of the culture? If you are a conformer, a thermometer, here’s the problem: You’re in for perpetual frustration because by the time you take the temperature and figure out what’s hot, by the time you change your look, or buy the car, or redo your house — the world will have moved on, leaving you out of style. Truly, this is a great mystery to a lot of Christians. They try to make their ministries relatable by analyzing what the world is doing in order to emulate it. But by the time they figure it out and implement it, the world has moved on. That’s why Christians are known for being out of style.

What’s the key? Don’t be a thermometer. Be a thermostat. Don’t be a conformer, be a transformer. Say, ‘I’m in a whole different place than you are, world.

I’m living for eternity.
I’m preparing for the Kingdom.
I’m headed for Heaven.’

This Daily Devotional is an excerpt from the book "A Day's Journey" by Pastor Jon. "A Day's Journey" is a collection of 365 short devotions from the New Testament. If you would like your own copy of "A Day's Journey" you can order one from the SearchLight Store.


Pastor Jon's Complete
Through-the-Bible Teachings
in MP3 Audio Format on a
USB Flash Drive

This flash drive contains Pastor Jon's teachings through the entire Bible (Genesis through Revelation) in MP3 audio format. There are over 1200 teachings which include Jon's verse by verse exposition of the Bible as well as the Sunday sermons which take a more in-depth look at a section of the Scripture from the verse by verse study.