Order online above

Monday through Thursday:

Pick-up between 3:30pm and 6:30pm.

Delivery between 3:30pm and 5:30 pm.

(We are unable to provide a narrower window for any specific address.)

For pick-up, we are located at 565 Fifth Street West (5th Street West Plaza - across from Safeway.)

For delivery, we can only accept orders for locations within for our
Sonoma Valley delivery zone.

Limited amount of dinners each day.

Phone: (707) 560-1060

(We highly recommend ordering dinners online above.)

General heating instuctions:
        If you have misplaced your heating instructions or if it was inadvertently forgotten - general instructions for rewarming dinners are as follows:
Oven method: remove lid from container. Cover in tinfoil and place into a preheated 375° oven and reheat for 15-20 minutes or until warm.
Microwave: Put food on a microwave-safe plate or in a container, cover it with a wet paper towel, and microwave it in 30-second intervals until warm. The total time will differ based on your microwave.