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At Alkalign we are disrupting the toxic fitness culture one class and one client connection at a time.

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If you are tired of feeling like the fitness industry is “shoulding” all over you with unrealistic expectations of how you should look and feel, it’s time to change the channel and try something that actually feels good for your mind, your body and your soul. It Doesn’t Have to Hurt to Work™ and Alkalign will guide you in your journey to feel strong, healthy and empowered without breaking down your physical or mental health in the process.

strength training fitness


Say goodbye to hype and the days of equating the quality of your workout with how much you sweat or what your fitness device told you you did. We believe it’s time to get back to what’s real and what works – the basics. That’s why we adhere to a philosophy that is built on the 7 functional movement patterns of the human body, so you’re no longer training to achieve some arbitrary metric or take some sweaty selfie. [“check the box” or “reach your step goal”.] We train movement instead of just muscles so you can gain a skillset that transfers over to every element of your life.

At Alkalign we don’t look at screens or dashboards, but instead feel with our hands, look with your eyes and really tune into what is happening in our bodies in this moment.

It’s time to break free from the workout that leaves you feeling more physically and mentally broken down than when you started. It’s time to embrace a philosophy that prioritizes your long term health as much as your short term results and trains you for life.

Alkalign functional fitness group

Judgement free zone

Got injuries, issues, or baggage? You’ve come to the right place. Our highly trained instructors are invested in teaching you to care for the whole you, mind, body and spirit. We seek to empower you to treat your mind and your body with more kindness & self-compassion so that you can have a healthier and more positive relationship with movement and fitness. Fall in love with movement (and yourself) at Alkalign.

“I regret taking care of myself.”

– Said no one ever.

When I used to give my mom attitude about brushing my teeth, she would smugly tell me “only brush the ones you want to keep.” Just like your teeth, the rest of your body and mind deserve and require regular care too. At Alkalign we understand that self-care looks different for everyone and differs daily for each of us. Our bodies and brains are always changing and we are here to help you navigate those changes with our expert instruction and caring team members. Our goal is to empower you to find the best way to care for your body today and for decades to come.

get off the hamster wheel

Modern day life is hard. As if it weren’t hard enough to pay the bills, feed the dog (and kids!), and maintain relationships, we are further burdened by a culture that fills our heads with expectations about what we should look like, should act like and how that should make us feel.

The barrage of unattainable images and conflicting, misleading, and just plain bad advice about what it means to be “fit” are overwhelming and confusing. They may have driven you to a fitness routine that isn’t helping you achieve your goals [or is breaking you down mentally and physically] or perhaps leave you unsure of where and how to start taking better care of yourself.

That’s why we created Alkalign. We recognize the importance of having a place in your life where you are given the space to dismantle the “shoulds” and explore your personal balance (which might even include the occasional dance party). We created a judgement-free zone with highly trained FUNctional movement professionals who are committed to teaching you body-preserving movement and guiding you in your self care.

Welcome to a space where you can listen, learn, and pay attention to how you’re wired. It’s your time to finally get off the hamster wheel, and live your life your way.

Alkalign Events & Announcements

Alkalign YouTube Functional Fitness Videos

Find Alkalign Functional Fitness on YouTube

New, fun content added regularly! Take a break from your desk and find short bursts of activity and mobility. It doesn’t have to hurt to work™ and Alkalign on YouTube is here to help you find some extra activity to add to your day as well as nuggets of wisdom to get to rethinking what you think fitness is. 

Erin is available for speaking engagements.

The power of Erin’s inspirational story, witty sense of humor, personal connection and decades of experience in the fitness industry engaging with people of all ages and physical abilities is the perfect fit for workshops, retreats and seminars. Contact her at