Castle Farms Fresh Meats

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We are the Castle's and we live in Southeast Kansas on a first generation farm that we have built up from scratch. We proudly raise pigs and chickens and we fill families’ dinner tables all over the state with some of the best tasting meat. You can learn more about us and our story by clicking ‘learn more’ below or checking out our products here.

Faith. Family. Farming.

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Our Practices

We aim to raise healthy, happy animals in as much of a stress free environment as possible and to provide good consistent quality meat to your dinner table.

All of our animals are raised outdoors in the fresh air and are fed a corn grain ration that is free from antibiotics and growth hormones. When there comes a time that one of our animals becomes sick, we do treat them as naturally as possible. In the event that the animal needs medical intervention, the animal is then taken out of the circle for processing until the withdrawal period of the medication given has at least doubled in time. For example, if a withdrawal timeframe (the time in which it is deemed not safe to consume the meat from the animal) is 30 days, we will not process the animal for at least 60 days after the last dose has been given. We do our best to provide quality care for our animals and to ensure that the food on your table is safe and nutritional.

Our pigs have always been raised outdoors once they are weaned from their moms. We have recently updated our pigs “suites” to include rotational grazing through our timbered property and grassy field patches. Our chickens are raised in the late spring, summer, and early fall months outdoors in moveable chicken tractors. These "pens" are moved daily to allow for fresh grass and bugs all while being protected from various predators.