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About Hollis & Savvy Sage

Considering how the quality of our food sources in the US is in fast decline, Hollis adopted a whole food plant-based lifestyle to avoid the common health issues often suffered by those who eat a diet rich in animal products.  She doesn’t see herself as a purist and is not interested in judging others’ food choices. After studying whole food nutrition, Hollis was inspired to help people adopt this lifestyle and reclaim their health. 

“After 40 years studying natural healing arts, I want to share my knowledge with you!”

Taking pleasure in cooking and being a bit of a foodie, Hollis embarked on a mission to make plant-based foods just as tasty and satisfying as foods made with animal products. She completed a culinary course with Forks Over Knives in collaboration with Rouxbe Cooking School and is now Plant-Based Certified and enthusiastic about sharing her culinary creations with friends, family, and students.

 Professional Health Coaching

One on One Coaching Sessions

Focusing on improving your health, setting goals and overcoming obstacles to creating your well being. As you learn to let food and lifestyle be your medicine, the power of natural healing goes to work for you. With the correct coaching and guidance your journey to better health can be dramatic and swift. Gain the vitality you crave to enjoy your life and be there for your family, coworkers and friends when they need you.

“Savvy Sage offers professional services, guiding you toward optimum health and well-being.”

For those who would like to fully engage in the process of transitioning to a whole food plant-based lifestyle, consider our 8-Week Comprehensive Coaching Program below.

8-Week Coaching Program

In-depth transformational program covering all aspects of transitioning to a whole food plant-based lifestyle. Education, resources, health assessments, cooking tips, recipes and mind set training for success.