Native Plant Trust

Celebrate Native Plants

From the Wild to Your Backyard


Garden in the Woods & Nasami Farm Hours

Garden in the Woods is open daily, 10 a.m.–5 p.m., through mid-October. Hours for plant shopping are the same as the Garden's visiting hours. (See this contact info for Garden visitors and plant shoppers.) finds Garden in the Woods to be one of Greater Boston's best green spaces!

Nasami Farm's Garden Shop is open Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays by appointment through early October. Contact Nasami's Garden Shop at 413-241-5614 or

Photo: Visitors, Garden in the Woods, © Melissa Blackall/Wildlinks

Mud dauber on milkweed

June Is Pollinator Month!

June 19-23 is Pollinator Week, but many organizations around the country are celebrating pollinators for the entire month. The message: Plant native species to provide habitat for the butterflies, bees, and other animals that sustain the Plant Kingdom (including the plants we humans eat). Here are some things you can do to help pollinators in New England:

Photo: Mud dauber wasp on milkweed (Asclepias sp.), © Uli Lorimer


Doing Our Part with Internships

Botanists and native plant horticulturists will guide the future of native plan horticulture and conservation, but academic programs in botany are in steep decline. That's why we do our part to train the next generation of plant experts by offering annual internships in plant conservation and ecological horticulture. Won't you jump in to help keep these important internships running? Please donate now! Thank you for supporting this critical stewardship program.

Photo: Director of Horticulture Uli Lorimer with interns, Erin Hammes © Native Plant Trust


Keep It Green—Take a Class

Keep your native plant knowledge green by taking a class in botany or ecological horticulture this season—in the classroom, online, or in the field. Our new Youth and Family programs offer long-awaited experiences for young learners. And our new Art & Nature series provides a chance for people of all ages to try nature sketching and painting in a beautiful, low-stress environment. Browse our spring and summer classes here. For current and aspiring professionals, we also offer basic and advanced certificate programs, and several of our courses provide continuing education credits.

Photo: Interns studying tiny plants at Saco Heath, Maine, Liza Green © Native Plant Trust

Time web header

Meet Our New CEO

Join Native Plant Trust in welcoming Tim Johnson as our new chief executive officer, following the retirement of Executive Director Debbi Edelstein in January.

Tim assumes this new title after previously serving as the director of the botanic garden and professor of practice at Smith College. Tim has already started applying his leadership experience to deliver impact in ecological horticulture, conservation, and education.

Learn more about Tim in this interview with Thomas Christopher in the Growing Greener podcast.

Photo: Tim Johnson, © Sam Masinter

Nymphaea ordorata_UliLorimer

Native Plant Trust in the News

CEO Tim Johnson recently appeared on two podcasts, Margaret Roach's awaytogarden and Thomas Christopher's Growing Greener. Director of Conservation Michael Piantedosi spoke with the Rutland (VT) Herald and the Boston Globe about saving New Hampshire's rare plants and also coauthored an article about our Conserving Plant Diversity in New England report in the February issue of Public Garden Magazine. Director of Horticulture Uli Lorimer is featured in the Boston Globe on May 19 and February 28, Gardenista on April 4 and March 27, The WildStory podcast, and the Washington Post. Martha Stewart also devoted a recent blog post to Uli. And Uli's June 2023 appearance on the Native Plants, Healthy Planet podcast rated #6 of the show's top 10 most popular episodes of all time! Closer to home, found Garden in the Woods to be one of Greater Boston's best green spaces, and MetroWest Daily News took a pre-season peek at our new Hop Brook bridge.

Photo: White water-lily (Nymphaea odorata) © Uli Lorimer