Parents don’t need fixing

They need a village

The birthworkers. The post-partum caregivers. The community builders and leaders of baby groups. The early childhood teachers. The daycare providers. 

The neighbor who shows up with a casserole. 

The aunty who cuddles the newborn so a parent can sleep. 

The grandparents who’ll fold laundry or babysit. The BFF who researches the best breast pumps. The co-workers who organize a meal train or a baby shower. 

The lactation consultant who helps the baby latch, finally.

This is for you, the daily heroes already tending the village: Your support makes all of us stronger.

We’ve got plenty of resources for you! A teaching platform with coaching, courses, workshops and tools so you can show up for your family and your community.

And it’s for those of you ready to get started tending your village and those of you at home parenting young children. 

We can help you do everything from throwing a   
     brilliant baby shower to interrupting harmful narratives impacting new parents to creating more community with parent and baby groups.

                …so you can be even more of a champion for the people you love. 

Because showing up for each other is a skill.

Who are the Village Tenders?

Hi! I'm Kerry

I believe in a world where new parents are resourced, rested and wrapped in community care because when families flourish, communities flourish.

Join me in creating a village of support for parents…

…because birth is just the beginning.

More About Kerry

We’re Building the Village-Together

Join our movement!

These heart-full weekly emails are filled with resources, tips and inspiration you can use to tend your village and your family.

Sign Up Here 

Parenting is the glue that holds our communities together.  We support you from post partum planning to navigating through the early weeks.  We also give you the tools to flourish for the first eight years.

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For Parents

It's just a fact that people who are teachers and do village tending work are often radically underpaid and under-resourced. It doesn’t have to be that way. Teachers and care providers deserve to be supported and receive guidance to make their days more organized, easier and more fun.
We offer courses, coaching and even curriculum creation for your early childhood programs so that you can focus on the most important thing, caring.

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For Teachers

Village Tending is a skill that every birthworker and postpartum caregiver needs because a doula is not a village.
Tending the village means stepping into leadership, it’s about expanding your service, getting parents more support and creating more community joy.

Learn More


"The course is thorough. From it’s aesthetics to abstract thinking of heart, purpose and vision, to the nuts and bolts"

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How parents and professionals lives have improved after learning from Kerry

"This course has been the best one I have taken in throughout all of my birth work training and education."

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How parents and professionals lives have improved after learning from Kerry

"The course has been meaningful to me in more ways than I imagined. I didn’t realize how empowering it would be."

Client Testimonials

How parents and professionals lives have improved after learning from Kerry

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