Honeydew 36 x 48 framed in light maple Tap here for more details


Rose Bouquet

Morrocan Bouquet

Candystripe Bouquet


Sonoma based artist, Alex Cole, has been painting for over twenty years. Her work is in collections throughout the US, Europe and Canada. Her paintings were recently featured in RUE magazine, published in “Wild Lands” and “Artist of the Bay Area” by Jen Tough. She has also been featured in Sonoma Magazine and Beautiful Home, and the featured artist for POTTERY BARN original art collections.

Her landscape paintings are greatly inspired by her travels and the Northern California landscapes. Alex also delights in abstract explorations of her imagination and the contrast found in the everyday. When she’s not painting, she’s teaching. Alex shares her secrets for tapping into the creative space within all of us, through her workshops and retreats at scenic locations throughout the Bay Area and across the globe. By drawing inspiration from nature, experimenting with collage and texture, Alex teaches her students how to love each accidental-wonder that makes every piece of artwork a unique expression of you and your surroundings.


Grande Landscape available at Elliot Fouts Gallery

Welcome to the studio
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