Live better longer.

Working to create a world where everyone can have
healthy minds and healthy bodies at every age.

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A mission-driven community
of investigators

The Buck is a collective of the world’s top scientists in the field of aging who are sharing their methods and
expertise to find ways to help everyone lead fuller, healthier lives by ending age-related disease.

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Advancing the frontiers
of research on aging

Using cutting-edge science to tackle aging, the #1 risk factor for chronic disease.

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Our mission is to end the threat of age-related disease for this and future generations

We believe it is possible for people to enjoy their lives at 95 as much as they do at 25, and to achieve that, we’re seeking a more comprehensive understanding of the biology of aging itself.

Advancing the frontiers
of aging research

Using cutting-edge science to tackle aging, the #1 risk factor for chronic disease.

Hevolution Foundation funds promising pre-clinical studies at the Buck Institute

Buck Assistant Professor John Newman, MD, PhD, received more than $2.9 million

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The Vicious Cycle of Protein Clumping in Alzheimer’s Disease and Normal Aging

Buck researchers uncover connections and suggestions for interventions to improve both

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Food is Medicine

Yes, we already know that, says Buck professor Pankaj Kapahi, but what are we doing about it?   Hippocrates may or may not have actually said “‘let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food,” but regardless, it sums up an inescapable concept: our bodies are machines, and how they run depends on the fuel we feed them...

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“What I want people to know about the Buck is the incredible commitment and excitement that permeates the walls of this institution. We are pushing the frontiers in an area that is going to impact all of humanity. I cannot tell you exactly when this will happen, but I can tell you big discoveries will come out of the Buck.”

Eric Verdin, MD, Buck Institute President and CEO

Identifying Which “Healthy” Interventions Actually Increase Lifespan

Buck researchers are part of a study that highlights the importance of genetics in clinical trials of aging interventions

Buck-Founded Aeovian Pharmaceuticals doses first participants in Phase I trial

Aeovian also raises $50M to advance novel science

Buck Scientists Discover a Potential Way to Repair Synapses Damaged in Alzheimer’s Disease

Boosting the KIBRA protein reversed memory impairment in mouse model of Alzhheimer’s despite the presence of toxic tau.
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Here’s what’s happening

Upcoming events at the Buck

Service Animal Accommodation

The James A. Aleveras Formal Research Seminars

FRS talks are being held via Zoom by invitation only.

Docent-led Buck Tour

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11AM

Live Better Longer Community Seminar Series

Seminar #3 on June 5, 2024: What Worms Can Teach Us About Living Better Longer

Cellular Senescence: The Road to Immortality

Twitter feed is not available at the moment.

Visit the
Buck Institute

Come and share in the excitement. Our doors are open, and we love talking about our science.

Join the fight against age-related diseases

You don’t have to be a scientist to make an important contribution to research on aging. We rely on donations to support the science that we believe will add years to people’s lifespan and decades to their healthspan.

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