PTA Meeting April 18

PTA Meeting this Thursday!

We will meet in person at PPAS at 6 pm and also on Zoom.

Immediately following the meeting at 7 pm, join us at the Spring Vocal Soiree.

We will vote on how to allocate an additional ~ $40,000 in the PTA budget.

Options include:

1. Carry the excess funds raised through the GoFundMe into next year’s general budget which would allow for various uses.

2. Earmark excess funds raised through the GoFundMe evenly among the remaining performing arts departments.

(Waterwell HS Drama and Middle School Theater Arts excluded)

3. Propose another use. If you have a different idea please contact your PTA delegate.

Purchase Tickets for Gala


We are combining the BEST of PPAS fundraising/community events!

JOIN US for the 2024 PPAS SLAM and Gala Preview event on Friday, May 3.

Purchase PPAS Slam tickets NOW!

Preview auction items and enter to win baskets and bundles during the SLAM
then Come and Celebrate all that is happening at PPAS with our end-of-the-year Gala!

Purchase Gala tickets NOW!

Solar Eclipse Glasses

Solar eclipse glasses are available to purchase from the PPAS office!

This message is from the NYC DOE:

On Monday, April 8, the New York City area will experience a partial solar eclipse beginning around 2 pm.

A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes between the sun and earth. This casts a shadow that may make the sky dark for the eclipse’s duration, as the sun will become approximately 90 percent covered in New York City during the peak coverage time, around 3:25 p.m. 

While this may overlap with school dismissal times, please know that there will be no changes to dismissal, and after-school programming will remain in effect.

Be prepared for increased traffic throughout the area and consider using public transit instead of driving during this time. 

If you and your family are planning to view the eclipse, please make sure to do so safely by using proper, specialized eye protection.

Regular sunglasses and other filters are not a safe replacement for solar eclipse glasses.

Glasses are available at the Brooklyn Public Library, Queens Public Library, and New York Public Library while supplies last.

Call ahead to ensure glasses are available.

Take precautions, whether inside or out, as looking at the sun without protection can cause loss of the ability to see colors, loss of vision, or even permanent blindness. 

For more information on solar eclipse eye safety, please visit the New York City Department of Health guidance.  

Vote for PPAS!

The PPAS/Midtown West campus has been added as a project candidate for District 3’s participatory budget.

PPAS/Midtown West is Ballot #2:
Adding wheelchair accessibility to our school campus to assist seniors and people with disabilities.

You can view all of the participatory budget project candidates here:
District 3 Participatory Budget.

This year, District 3 parents, staff who work in District 3 and all PPAS/MTW students over the age of 11 are eligible to vote in the participatory budget voting process.

If you are eligible to vote, follow this link.

PPAS will host the voting process during each lunch period on TuesdayApril 9.

To prepare students for this event, some of our seniors who are all currently studying public policy, will visit each class to share a presentation about the participatory budget and our project.

If you do not want your child to participate in the vote, please contact Mr. Huang for middle school or Mr. Vassallo for high school.