
Children's Fairyland

Fairyland is a renowned, regional storybook park dedicated to stimulating a child's imagination, creativity and desire to learn through fairy tales, sets, play-acting, animals and related programs. Fairyland opened in 1950 and is situated on 10 acres on the shores of Lake Merritt in Oakland, California, serving more than 220,000 guests annually. We take pride in our support of nonprofit organizations and schools.

** As a nonprofit ourselves, we unfortunately cannot accommodate all requests. Please note that we prioritize Oakland organizations that serve younger children, as well as Bay area pre- and elementary schools. To be considered for our donation program, we require organizations to submit their request on the organization's letterhead. We also respectfully ask that you do not call us to follow up on your requests - our small staff is not equipped to handle the volume. All donation requests will be reviewed within two weeks of receipt. The organization requesting the donation will be contacted by email, regardless of whether or not the request is approved.

Request A Donation

All fields are required unless indicated otherwise.
Please provide information on your good work and tell us how you will acknowledge this donation at your event. It would also be helpful to understand your fundraising goals. Maximum 4000 characters.
Attach your organization's letterhead or proof of 501(c)(3) status as a single PDF or Word document.

Tell Us About Your Organization

Only enter if your organization has a 501(c)(3) status.
Check EIN

How Do We Contact You?

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