Affordable Acupuncture, real results

$20-50 per treatment, you choose what you pay!

our mission is simple: acupuncture everyone can afford

Welcome to Good Medicine Community Acupuncture!

Acupuncture is a simple, practical way of getting relief from stress, pain, and many common ailments. We believe experienced effective acupuncture care is something everyone should have access to. Our comfortable community acupuncture clinic is a place where everyone can come and feel better, without high fees getting in the way. 

acupuncturists standing looking happy

Our Acupuncturists

acupuncturists standing looking happy

Carly and Dominic Leotti have been licensed Florida Acupuncture Physicians aka Doctors of Oriental Medicine since 2010. They founded Good Medicine Community Acupuncture in 2012 to bring affordable care to everyone in the SWFL area. Since then they’ve provided over 57,000 treatments to over 7,500 of your friends and neighbors.

They graduated from the East West College of Natural Medicine where they learned acupuncture and herbal medicine as well as receiving training in modern medicine. This allows them to be able to competently discuss lab results, MRI reports and potential drug/supplement interactions, something every natural health provider should be able to do.

When they’re not busy saving the world with acupuncture they are raising their two boys, Galen and Kahless.

Your Health Starts Here

$20-50, pay what’s comfortable


Want To Learn More?

Check out our collection of past and current articles on all sorts of health related topics! If there’s a topic you want to hear more about that we haven’t touched on yet, let us know!

Sciatica: What is it, and how can Acupuncture Help

Next to stress and back pain, sciatic issues are one of the more common complaints we see in the clinic. In this post, we'll learn a little anatomy and physiology so we can better understand why the sciatic nerve can get irritated, and what we can do to calm it down....

Mission Statement

One of our favorite quotes really sums it up: “Do all the good you can. By all the means you can. In all the ways you can. In all the places you can. At all the times you can. To all the people you can. As long as ever you can.” -John Wesley  

$20-$50 Sliding Scale, Pay What’s Comfortable!

Yep, you read that right! Acupuncture is most effective when received regularly, and it is our mission to make sure that anyone can afford the kind of frequent treatment that will get them real, lasting results. At the traditional $65-$125(yikes!) per visit charged at...

Acupuncture and Longevity

A favorite quote is “it’s not the years in your life, but the life in your years.” No matter how much we wish for eternal youth, aging is inevitable. And the longer we live, the more we see and feel the effects of time on our bodies. But growing old does not have to...

Migraines: Yes, Acupuncture Can Help!

Migraines are awful. As if a headache alone wasn't enough, migraines typically add in a not-so-fun mix of light and sound sensitivity, nausea, vomiting, and a general turning up to "11" of life's daily nuisances. Thankfully, acupuncture can help. Last year the NY...

Acupuncture Point Profile: GB34

Located anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula on the lower leg, GB34 is the meeting point of the sinews (think tendons and muscles). Because of this, it can be used to treat disorders of the soft tissue anywhere in the body.

How Acupuncture Works

By far the most common question we are asked at the clinic is, “How does acupuncture work?” While this is briefly addressed in our FAQ section, it is asked so frequently that it warrants its own post.

Acupuncture and the Treatment of Arthritis

Arthritis literally means inflammation of the joints. It affects more than 50 million adults and is the most common cause of disability in America. There are various types of arthritis, but all come with pain and stiffness in the joints.   While research into...

Acupunture for Neck Pain

Have a pain in the neck? Acupuncture Can Help! Maybe it is tension from stress; a tightness in the tops of your shoulders causing a dull ache in the base of your skull. Maybe you spend all day bent over a computer and have difficulty straightening up, or even moving...

Trouble Sleeping? Give Acupuncture a Try!

Acupuncture is great for all kinds of things, and one of the places a community acupuncture style clinic really shines is with difficulty getting a good night's sleep. In the past when practicing in a more traditional environment, we always felt pretty lame waking an...

Frequently Asked Questions

What Can Acupuncture Help With?

The most common thing we see is pain, but acupuncture is useful at helping with everything from stress and anxiety to women’s health to stroke recovery and many things in between. If your condition is something we don’t believe we have a good chance of helping we are always quick to clearly communicate that. Ultimately we want you to get the best care possible, even if that’s not with us. 

How Often Do I Need To Come In?

For most patients starting out we will recommend treatment twice per week for the first 2-3 weeks. Once things are doing better and staying that way for most of the week, folks come in as they feel like they need it, usually tapering off frequency as things improve. More severe cases sometimes need more frequent treatment in the beginning, just because more frequent treatment generally means quicker results.

Does It Hurt?

No, not really. You might feel a slight pinch, like a mosquito bite, and occasionally a mild achy muscle sensation.  Acupuncture needles are very tiny, about the width of a human hair, so small that you can easily fit over a dozen of them in the head of a needle used to draw blood. 

Can I Fill Out The Paperwork Ahead Of Time?

Absolutely! Our paperwork is pretty thin, just one page and a signature on the back, but it’s available for download HERE

How Does The Sliding Scale Work?

Simple: you choose what you pay within the suggested $20-$50 range, that’s it. Your treatment will be the same no matter what you pay. Doing income verification is a massive hassle, instead we trust our patients to pay us what they’re comfortable paying. 

You Treat In A Group Setting? What's That Like?

We liken our comfy recliner circle to a comfortable living room environment: theres soft lighting and chill music plays while folks nap in recliners while the needles do their work. The style of acupuncture we practice uses mostly points from the knees and elbows down, so you never have to undress beyond rolling up your sleeves and pant legs.

But What If I Have Back Pain?

A good 60% of our practice is lower back painand its been many years since we have put a needle in a back. Quite simply we don’t have to put a needle right where the pain is to treat it. Acupuncture points are found along channels or meridians that run throughout the body, so we can treat the whole body with points just on the arms or legs. 

Does Affordable Mean Less Effective?

Not at all! We’ve actually found that folks get better faster when they’re surrounded by others who share a common sense of purpose: feeling better and getting deep relaxation.