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Classroom Matters is offering sessions online, in our center, or in your home.

We are open for in-person learning, coaching, and mentoring. Our onsite staff is fully vaccinated and our facility is ready. We will continue to follow CDC and local health department protocols. Can’t come to our center? We still offer online and in-home support for your safety and convenience. Please reach out to us to find out more and choose the best option for your family.

In community,
CM Admin Team

Summer Workshops - Now Open!


Coaching the whole person.

Classroom Matters provides a customized program for humans in grades K through 12 and beyond to help them excel in school, develop executive function skills, and take ownership of their learning and their lives.

Our Philosophy



Our Community

Classroom Matters is a place where families feel supported and well-served.  Individualized instruction is provided by experienced university students, graduates, and credentialed teachers who are experts in their subject fields and trained in providing executive functioning support.



years in business

Since 2000, Classroom Matters has been the go-to destination for academic coaching, tutoring, test prep, and more.



Our tutors are well-rounded mentors who care about their students and create respectful and productive relationships with them.


students served

We work with all ages of students and all types of learners. As we grow, so do our kiddos, who regularly refer their friends to us.




"Thank heavens for Classroom Matters! We have relied on their support to help both of our kids through Berkeley High. Over the years we have worked with them, they have done a superior job in finding excellent tutors who can connect and engage our high school students. In addition to helping our kids through a sometimes very difficult urban high school, they also were a fountain of support and advice when we were tearing our hair out (not infrequently). I can't say enough good about them..."
- Berkeley Mom


“Amanda’s tutoring help was a lifesaver! I’m not sure how we would have gotten Sebastian through this without Amanda - even after getting help from his teacher, he remained so stuck when it came to sitting down and writing on his own. Amanda managed to engage him via Zoom, which I really wasn’t sure would work given his challenges with remote learning. Amanda found a way to engage with him and he was able to actually sit down and write while he worked with her. Best part? Assignment was complete last night- yay!”
- Ana, parent

"I really want to thank you all at Classroom Matters. You seem to all care very much about students' needs and are very professional and approachable."
- Julene F, parent

"I really appreciate the support and feedback from Lauren and Classroom Matters! So glad we started when we did. Talia's grades have improved in such a short period of time so I know we are at the right place. Thanks!”
- One happy parent


Our Mission

Classroom Matters subscribes to the philosophy that the best learning takes place when a student is approached holistically. We address the emotional, the social, and the cognitive aspects of academic life in order to foster metacognition and self-advocacy in the kids we support.



welcome back!

With school starting up, we’re excited to welcome back our families. Reach out to our front desk to get your kiddos scheduled. If you are new to Classroom Matters, schedule a free consultation with one of our co-directors. We hope to see you soon!




As of August 16th, masks will be optional at Classroom Matters. We are implementing a variety of measures to prioritize the safety of our community. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out.