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Thanna Vickerman

Parenting Coach

Los Angeles, CA

About Thanna Vickerman

Every parent wishes to have a loving connection with their child, but so many times life seems to get in the way. I'm here because I want to support and guide you into being the peaceful parent you want to be, so you can enjoy the connection you dream of having with your child.

As your Peaceful Parenting coach, I will support you as you become aware of your triggers and learn to regulate your emotions, so you can, in turn, teach your children to manage and regulate theirs. With the latest research in brain science and connection, I will help you reframe your child's behavior, which will allow you to see the need they are showing you, and give you more space for emotional generosity.

Whether you've been practicing peaceful parenting for a few years or are new to the idea, we will create a coaching plan that works for you and your family.  You can schedule periodic visits to keep you on track and problem solve situations as they come up, or I can introduce you to peaceful parenting and help you transition more smoothly.

I'm available to clients world-wide via Skype, FaceTime, or phone.
