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Reviews of Numina on

September 9, 2010
5.0 out of 5 stars Review, September 2, 2010
By B. Miller (Eugene, OR USA) – See all my reviews
This review is from: Numina (Paperback)

Anne Gordon has crafted a well-written narrative that will keep you thinking, and re-considering, some age-old belief systems. Weaving back and forth between current times,and a dream life that will take you back to ancient times, you will discover some ideas that are purely original and well thought out. A great book to take on a weekend retreat, to a summer hammock, or a cozy fireside seat. In addition to being a great read, the message implied is revolutionary. Adopting the message from the story could literally change lives, and cultures. So please, after reading the book, pass on the message.Highly recommended!

4.0 out of 5 stars Presiding spirits of place, August 29, 2010
By GigiSee all my reviews
This review is from: Numina (Paperback)

Anne Gordon has written an enchanting book about women and men and our relationships with each other. Based on the history of women and including discussion of the presiding Western Christian creation myth, she explores a theme of women as powerful healers and carriers of knowledge. She relates this subject to the story of Adam and Eve, and how it impacts women’s roles over time.

This theme is couched in the story of a contemporary woman, Elaine, who dreams about a pair of women healers from the burning times. Elaine goes walking, has a group of friends, is married, takes writing classes — in short, a normal woman — and finds that she is profoundly impacted by her series of dreams.

The dictionary definition of numina is “presiding spirits of place.” There are subthemes introduced as Elaine’s essays for her writing class; these are diverting and delightful. This book is thought-provoking, believable and fun to read.

For readers who enjoyed Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code and his discussion of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, this book is a nice follow-through. Sacred marriage can only be in place when man and woman are equally empowered. This book carries out some more exploration of how that can be attained.


November 16, 2009

Numina ~ Power, Spirit, Place is available from the author at It is also available on Amazon or from

Numina ~ Power, Spirit, Place ~ a Novel by Anne Gordon

October 31, 2009

“This beautifully written novel follows the expanding consciousness of several ordinary women as they open to their own intuition, creativity, and insight. Humor and wisdom emerge alongside discerning questions about the nature of reality. A collection of conversations and stories challenges modern cultural assumptions, including the Biblical creation story and how it may have affected women throughout history. Specifically, one main character grapples with flashback dream memories of an inquisition and wonders about the impact of the burning times on modern day life. In the tradition of all good story telling, ordinary assumptions are cast to the wind while deeper truths are revealed about life and relationship. The reader is left with interesting questions to ponder and a real desire to re-enter the book and live there a little longer.”

Anne Allanketner MA.

Psychotherapist, Counselor

What readers are saying about Numina

October 31, 2009


“Numina is a thought-provoking examination of deeply embedded cultural myths woven into a tapestry that gracefully transports the reader through time and space. A compelling book that remains with the reader long after the last page.

Melodee S.

Eugene, Oregon


“I loved your book! It was such a wonderful weaving of different times and tones and yet a whole cloth. Thank you so much for writing it. I will recommend it to all of us on this path of reclaiming and exploring the beautiful gifts of the sacred feminine.

Numina is a wise book. It links our contemporary lives as spiritual women with our sisters from the past. In touching, disturbing and human vignettes, we learn about our history and the power of the circle to hold us while we answer our spiritual calls.”

Judith T.

San Francisco, CA


“I was swamped when your book arrived, but I stopped to just leaf through Numina and didn’t put it down until I finished reading it at 2 A.M. It is fantastic. It transports you to another dimension with time suspended until you’re finished reading.

I hope this is the first of many books to come…!”


Cambridge, MA


“OK, so I stayed up last night and finished reading your book. Anne, it is fantastic. It hits so many of the issues that are big in my head and heart right now and it illuminates and clarifies and gives me a sense of what can be done. Thank you, thank you. I’ll put my copy on my friend’s porch bench today and it feels like a rich, rare gift.”


Portland, Oregon


“Half way through your book and I am reading the conversations I have every day, the dreams I have every night and the dreams I forget again and again…truly, you may have been eavesdropping on my directees. Reading this calms me, a balm for my soul.”

Peg E.

Portland, Oregon


“You made me look at our ancient stories in a different way. I knew the creation stories were symbolic, but you have made me think about them in different ways and consider different possible interpretations of the symbolism. I’m sure I will continue to ponder the ideas you presented to me for many years.”

Kay K.

Neskowin, Oregon


“ Loved reading Numina… I couldn’t put it down for two days…! Congratulations on creating such an inspired read! I hope you have another one in the works.”


Eugene, Oregon


“I just finished Numina. It speaks to me on so many levels that I can’t really articulate what’s going through my head (and heart) just now. Let me just say that you are a wonderful writer and storyteller.”

Marsha F.

Portland, Oregon


“Numina is a dreamlike journey which weaves the spell of expanding consciousness by asking deep questions about how we see our selves, our stories and our relationships.

Anne Gordon’s skillful, layered descriptions take us through many worlds: imaginal, historical, and personal as she presents us with ever-expanding opportunities to understand the Divine Feminine in ourselves and in the world around us.

The multilayered stories are both engaging and intricate. The characters find themselves in fascinating and fantastic circumstances, but the human issues with which they grapple are from a tender and authentic source. ‘How can we better love our men, our children and ourselves? How can we become better partners with Spirit?’”

Anne A.

Eugene, Oregon


“ I loved your book…the descriptions and a wonderful, sensual awareness of the natural world made the story come alive — you drew me in. Your story speaks to a very different reality born of the elements. As a gardener who loves working with the soil, I love the connection. It is real and universal and ties me to the world of our parents and grandparents.

Your book also speaks to reverence of home, family and friends — and respect — a deep respect for others. You should have had a daughter along with your son!

Looking forward to your next book.”

Gayle C.

Florence, Oregon


“I recently finished your novel and really enjoyed it. I related to lots of the issues having been raised a Catholic and also having gotten interested in the Goddess culture over the past decades. I have incorporated them all in my unique brand of spirituality. For me, I found the short stories particularly riveting: powerful, lyrical, especially liked Rendezvous, not hard to guess why! Good Luck and you are one brave woman to follow your bliss, as Joseph Campbell would say.”

Gayle D.

Eugene, Oregon


“ I am still reading your book, but already know at least two friends who will enjoy it also! I loved the chapter called Rendezvous. It tweaked me to think what I want to do at my age (66)! A wonderful transforming story. I can’t wait to keep reading. Thank you for writing this! Blessings to you.”

Donna Y.

Seattle, WA


“I loved Numina. This is one of those books that you buy copy after copy for your friends!”

Jhody U.

Dexter, Oregon


“In traveling this summer, I finally got a chance to read Numina. I really, really enjoyed it. It was well written and the way you carried the main theme throughout it was just fabulous. I was sorry to finish.”

Ruthanne C.

Eugene, Oregon

A Review of Numina

June 14, 2009

Numina has all the mythological realism of “The King and the Corpse” by Heinrich Zimmer. The symbolism doesn’t need to be explained because it is imbued with life.

I am glad that Anne didn’t take the easy way out, the overplayed one you could see coming where the woman is the weak victim and the man the strong and evil persecutor. She somehow pulls a rabbit out of the hat by making it a personal story, at the same time we know there are mythic truths being revealed about ourselves, each other, and how we relate to the inner and outer worlds.

The dialogue is astoundingly realistic for any writer that I have recently read and the story unfolds in a way where time is not absolute and narratives need not be linear. This author did not take the road that waylays so many, the road of the novelist or the writer with an evident aspiration for fame. Instead, she had a story that needed to be told and she told it without holding back.

There is a happy ending, not the one we thought we wanted, but a better one, because Anne knows we are all better than we think we are.

Anne is an apparent master of taking the mundane, including the tired old misunderstood Creation myth, and making it profound through the injection of reality, in people and situations.

Read this book and you’ll have a chance of getting to know yourself better. Maybe even change your life.

Roger S.

Ashland, Oregon