This CHURCH Auction Is CLOSED!
Our Fundraising for a Church Bus is now open! The auction will run through May 23rd, 2015, with proceeds going to MountZion Believers Church in order to support our efforts to purchase this 2015 Ford-Starcraft 23-Passenger (21-seats/2-wheel chair stations) bus for our Youth Group and our mobility challenged parishioners and visitors. Please help make it a success! Auction items range from services, exotic vacation getaways to donated items (jewelry, cameras, sports tickets, dinner certificates, artwork, designer handbags and more) guaranteed to delight and surprise. So, tell your friends, family, co-workers, and community.
Check back often because new items will continue to be added!
Bid High, Bid Often!
Please note: A refund or return would only be accepted if we have misrepresented the item, not for buyer's remorse. Please ask questions prior to placing your bid.
Show your support by clicking on the "Donate Items" button to contribute to our catalog. "From what you have, take an offering for the LORD. Everyone who is willing is to bring to the LORD." Exodus 35:5.
Now is your chance to not only get all the great items you want, but to do it knowing you are helping support our Church in it's mission to support others. You as an individual donor would be given a receipt for your tax deductions. Your company as a donor would (1) be listed as a sponsor of the auction and receive free advertising on this auction site; (2) have a link from this auction site to your company's website; (3) receive a receipt from our 501(c)3 Church for your company's charitable tax deduction; and (4) for cash donations worth $1,000 or more, your organization would be advertised on a 12"x18" space on the side of the Bus (after its purchase), 24/7, bi-weekly, for six months.
AUCTION WATCH: Featured Items