Connected Horse – Connection is Caring Auction in Support of the Connected Horse Program
Auction Ends: Nov 29, 2020 11:59 PM PST
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Last Chance to Get Your Bids In! The Connected Horse Auction Closes Tonight! Help Support the Connected Horse Program!

Close to 50 items open for bidding!



Start the Bidding and Check Off Holiday Gifts off Your To-Do List!

Connected Horse is now auctioning off a number of fun and unique items to bid on to raise money for our organization - and the more items that receive bids the more people we can help! 

We have been lucky enough to receive some wonderful items for our auction and we'd love to share our blessings with you! There are so many items to choose from that would make lovely holiday gifts.  

Give a little and get a lot in return.
Your participation is an invaluable part of our fundraising efforts. By bidding on our items directly online, you'll be helping to raise money for our organization. If you aren't sure about participating in the online auction, please take a moment and maybe forward our auction on to people that may be interested or tell people about us. 

A Little More About Connected Horse

The mission of Connected Horse is to provide free non-pharmaceutical help to as many Alzheimer?s affected people and their care partners as we can in the community. In a typical year, we do this through free in-person equine-facilitated workshops at various local barns. 

These workshops are based on our research at Stanford University and the University of California, Davis and provide anyone affected by dementia and their care partners with opportunities to stay activated in the community and learn new ways to communicate and reduce stress.


Donate to Connected Horse and Send a Sensory Box to A Loved One!

Since the pandemic we have had to get very creative to maintain our connections to the community. We now offer a sensory box program which also includes facilitator calls directly to participants, and weekly videos sent directly via email to our community.

When it's hard to stay connected, our sensory boxes can help!
Connected Horse sensory boxes are ideal for anyone affected
by dementia and their caregivers. And they provide you and
your loved ones a perfect activity to enjoy together.

For a suggested donation of $30 provide a cherished friend or
family member with an enjoyable sensory experience. A
Connected Horse sensory box can provide someone with a
wonderful opportunity to focus on one thing for just a few
minutes. This can provide the benefit of allowing someone to
be present and more mindful.

Our boxes come with a set of our unique sensory-stimulating
activity cards and carefully selected items we have included
to invigorate your different senses.
Each box is directly mailed to your loved one.

JUDY AT (925)708-0067