Affiliate Program FAQ

General Information and Program Signup

What is a "qualified" lead?
How does the tracking system work?
Does it cost me anything to become a BiddingForGood (cMarket) affiliate?
How do I sign up?
Can I host the lead form on my site?
Can I become an affiliate if my site is based outside of the United States?
I don't have a website yet. Can I still apply to the BiddingForGood (cMarket) Affiliate Program?

Affiliate Links

How do I create links to BiddingForGood (cMarket)
Can I use more than one BiddingForGood (cMarket) link on my site?
I need a banner in a size you don't have available; what do I do?

Commission Payments

What is the commission structure?
How often do I get paid?
Do I get compensated if a visitor fills out a lead at a later date if they originally came from my site?

Account Information

How do I know how many BiddingForGood (cMarket) leads resulted from your links on my site?
How do I change my affiliate account information?

Contact Information

Who do I contact at BiddingForGood (cMarket) if I have questions?

General Information and Program Signup

What is a "qualified lead"?

A qualified lead is a BiddingForGood (cMarket) lead form completely filled out with valid information.

How does the tracking system work?

You place a BiddingForGood (cMarket) banner or text link on your site, coded with your unique affiliate id. When one of your visitors clicks on our link and reaches our site, a click-through will be counted for your account and a cookie will be written to the visitor's browser. The cookie will hold your affiliate ID and will be read throughout our site. If they fill out a lead form anywhere on our site, you will get a commission, provided it's a qualified lead.

Does it cost me anything to become a BiddingForGood (cMarket) affiliate?

No, it's FREE!

How do I sign up?

It's a simple three-step process: click the "Join Now" button on the right hand side of this page, fill out the application form and agree to our terms. We'll review your application and site and make a decision as soon as possible; you'll be notified via email.

Can I host the lead form on my site?

No, the lead form must reside on BiddingForGood (cMarket)'s server.

Can I become an affiliate if my site is based outside of the United States?

Yes, but your site needs to be in English and target a U.S.-based audience as our product is only available for U.S. use.

I don't have a website yet, can I still apply to the BiddingForGood (cMarket) Affiliate Program?

No, you must have an existing web site in order to become a BiddingForGood (cMarket) affiliate.

Affiliate Links

How do I create links to BiddingForGood (cMarket)?

Once your application is approved, log into your account at and choose from the selection of banners and text links. We offer a wide variety of sizes and styles so as to optimize conversions on your site. If you need a size that we don't have, please email us at and we will make every attempt to accommodate your request.

Can I use more than one BiddingForGood (cMarket) link on my site?

Yes, you may use as many links as you like. In fact, we recommend that you use several to test what works best. Consider also putting a link in your opt-in newsletter if you have one.

I need a banner in a size you don't have available; what do I do?

If you need a size that we don't have, please email us at and we will make every attempt to accommodate your request

Commission Payments

What is the commission structure?

You'll earn $25 for each qualified lead.

How often do I get paid?

We will pay by check via U.S. postal mail on the 15th of every month. All payments will be in U.S. dollars.

Do I get compensated if a visitor fills out a lead at a later date if they originally came from my site?

As long as a visitor from your site doesn't delete our cookie, then you will get a commission if they return to our site within 60 days of their first visit from your site and fill out a lead form.

Account Information

How do I know how many BiddingForGood (cMarket) leads resulted from your links on my site?

You can access reporting 24/7 via your web-based account and track real-time click-throughs, impressions, leads and your earnings. There are many reports you can run to analyze the results of our partnership.

How do I change my affiliate account information?

Log into your account at and change your contact information.

Contact Information

Who do I contact at BiddingForGood (cMarket) if I have questions?

Please email us at if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you.