Treehouse Shakers – Treehouse Shakers' Art Matters
Auction Ends: Oct 19, 2010 10:00 PM EDT

Auction Stats


Top Referrers

  1. Amber Ford46
  2. Julia Morris45
  3. Wendy Young4
  4. tova zohar1
  5. Laurie Watkins1
Refer Your Friends

Top Bidders

  1. adambronkaslava$1,100
  2. kaleepi$420
  3. bearelan$291
  4. teddyM$289
  5. eselr1$270

Auction Closed! Thank you for your participation!

Main Article Image

The Treehouse Shakers' Art Matters is now closed. Thank you all for taking the time to point, click and bid in order to support Treehouse Shakers and support our mission. Treehouse Shakers is in the business of sparking creativity in others, and helping to grow young people into exceptional imaginators. Imagine the good we can accomplish in the world through the power of the arts!

Congratulations to everyone who:

  • Placed a winning bid
  • Generously donated an item for auction
  • Invited family, friends and community to make their bid to build a better world

Although our annual auction is closed, we hope you will still continue to contribute. You can send checks to:

Treehouse Shakers, Inc.

Radio City Station

P.O. Box 186

New York, NY 10101-0186

Or a credit card donation on our website at:

To request our financial statement or to make a matching gift contribution please contact or at 212-715-1914.

Thank You!

We are so grateful to everyone who made this auction a success. Thank you to our terrific board members, company members, donors, bidders, and audience members. Without you, the world just wouldn't be the same!

The Auction May Be Gone, But Our Mission Goes On!

Even though our auction has ended, our organization and our mission have not. We would greatly appreciate your continued support in terms of time, effort and funding, and will do our best to keep you up to date on future activities.