Auction Ends: Oct 15, 2021 11:59 PM PDT

Auction Stats


Auction is now Closed...

Thank you for your participation!

The 2021 Veriditas Annual Online Auction is now closed. Thank you all for taking the time to point, click and bid in order to support Veriditas and our mission of inspiring transformation through the labyrinth experience. Congratulations to everyone who:

  • placed a winning bid
  • made a monetary donation to support the auction efforts
  • generously donated an item for auction
  • invited family, friends and community to make their bid in the auction

An Important Note to our Donors & our Winning Bidders...
While the bidding has ended, we will begin the behind-the-scenes work of closing out the auction starting Monday (October 18th). The close out process will require lengthy in-office work to safely package items coming from Veriditas, complete the billing process, and coordinate sending the shipping information for our donor-direct items. We appreciate your patience and look forward to getting your winnings out to you as quickly and accurately as possible.

Our Estimated Timeline for the Close Out Process...
If you are sending a donated item directly to the winning bidder, you will receive the bidders contact information in an email from Veriditas by Monday, October 25th. We ask that you reach out to the winning donor within a week to confirm delivery details. If you need assistance contacting the winning bidder, please don't hesitate to let reach out to for further assistance.

Your processing will occur between Monday, October 18 to Sunday, October 31st. If your have won items being mailed from the Veriditas Office, we plan that they will be packaged and sent via USPS by Monday, November 1st. If you have won an item that will be sent directly from the donor, we ask that the donor connect with you to provide confirmation details and a shipping timeline. They will receive your contact information by Monday, October 25th, and we ask that they reach out to you shortly after. If you have trouble connecting with the donor, please contact to further assistance.

With deep appreciation from your Auction Committee...
We are so grateful for your interest in supporting our auction efforts this year. To the donors who shared their creativity and spirit in adding unique items, and to our bidders who make our auction successful - WE APPRECIATE YOU! It has been a pleasure serving you this auction...