HFS Adoption & Foster Care – HFS Circle of Hope Love Grows Here
Auction Ends: May 20, 2022 08:00 PM PDT

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Top Bidders

  1. vreeland$435
  2. dmb86cf5a$400
  3. psa894107$400
  4. mw9058b77$370
  5. jt3bc8a48$370
  6. jsaee468b$360
  7. cp37c2295$220
  8. sfcf3184b$200
  9. Tdog8$180
  10. Straw18$160

Auction is Closed! Thank you for taking part!

The HFS Circle of Hope "Celebrating Heroes" Auction is now closed.


The HFS Circle of Hope "Love Grows Here" was a great success!

Thank you all for taking the time to support HFS Adoption & Foster Care.
From the bottoms of our hearts, thank you for your generous contributions and participation. 
You are a part of something really special. You are a part of our community.

And you make everything we do possible.


If you were not able to participate or would still like to donate,
please click donate to the right or go to our website at hfs.org for more info. 

See you next year!!