San Diego Pro Baker to Vegas Relay team – Its a New Year and we have the items Santa forgot!!
Auction Ends: Jan 11, 2013 07:00 PM EST

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  1. billb3225$3,215
  2. xsenrg$2,656
  3. susanandrew$801
  4. Grammie5$269
  5. jlacey$171

Santa's sleigh wasn't big enough to give you everything you bid now and your items will be shipped to you upon receipt of payment...Let the Bidding Begin!

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The Its a New Year and we have the items Santa forgot auction is now open. The auction will run from December 28, 2012 to January 11, 2013, with proceeds going to San Diego Pro Baker to Vegas Relay team. Auction items range from Disneyland to electronics to everything you wanted for Christmas and didn't get...items guaranteed to delight and surprise. So, tell your friends, family, community. Let the bidding begin!

Thank you for all your bids as each one helps the team to meet the goal to participate in the annual race.  

Now is your chance to not only get all the great items you want, but to do it knowing you are helping support our organization and mission.