Madison Waldorf School's Online Auction!
Auction Ends: May 6, 2017 10:00 PM CDT

Auction Stats


Top Referrers

  1. Nicole Wells33
  2. Anastasia Warpinski29
  3. Rachel Martin15
  4. Jessica Turner11
  5. Ginny Buhr9
Refer Your Friends

Top Bidders

  1. yippyyuk$635
  2. lw0b24ac6$490
  3. crocodilo$353
  4. mvb2b6120$329
  5. The_Alchemyst$326
  6. nawells$319
  7. js3829a1f$305
  8. ph6961b57$297
  9. eajm$259
  10. barbyq10$250

Today is Your Last Chance!

Today is your last chance to bid in Madison Waldorf School Online Auction. Auction closes at 10:00pm. We have had a lot of great bidding activity. Thank you, everyone!

Now is your chance to not only get some great buys of a wide variety of goods and services, but to do it knowing you are helping support Madison Waldorf School's program and Tuition Adjustment. This is our tenth year of providing Waldorf education to children in the Madison area. Our mission is to honor every child's enthusiasm for initiative, creativity, and social responsibility.

Bidding ends Stoday at 10:00pm. Please bid now!

Don't Forget to Buy a Chair!

In addition to supporting the work in the classroom, in this year's auction, we have a special, very practical request: Chairs! We would like to replace our eclectic set of chairs in the Movement Room, which we use for many school events for our community, with a set of comfortable folding chairs and a dolly to put them on! We would love for you to buy one (perhaps the one you will be sitting on!) or more. You can also buy a share -- or more -- of the chair dolly. Just go to Items #210 and #212 to support our chair request!