Auction Ends: Jun 11, 2018 06:00 PM PDT

Auction Stats


Thank You for Your Support of GDA!


Happy Dog

Our Dogs Say Thank You! Because of your generosity, our auction was a great success. Thank you for taking the time to support Guide Dogs of America with your bids, your donations, and by inviting family and friends to join in our auction. Through your participation, you help provide independence, confidence and mobility to visually impaired men and women from across the United States and Canada.

GDA's work continues... Our mission to provide guide dogs free of charge to blind and visually impaired men and women continues. We sincerely hope that you consider staying involved.

  • Donate Cash Online: Place a winning donation! It's easier to give, than to give up! If you did not win an item online and would like to show your support, please consider Donating Cash.
  • Volunteer: We recognize that giving your time can be just as valuable as monetary contributions. Join our dedicated team of volunteers. Take a look at the Volunteer page on our website to learn about our volunteer opportunities.

Again, Thank You... We couldn't do what we do without your generosity and support!

Independence — Companionship — Confidence — Freedom

Guide DogHaving a guide dog gives me freedom! The cane touches everything, including people. The dog passes by or goes around. I have not only freedom on the street, but peace of mind. — Greg Hoover

Guide DogWith Tucker, I've been able to start hiking again, one of my favorite activities. We're not going to break any speed records but we're outdoors, enjoying nature and blowing the socks off of other hikers who see us trekking the trails. — Karl Mundstock

Guide DogMy guide and I show everyone we meet that you can be independent and mobile with a guide dog. We are a living example of where sponsorships, donations and volunteering of time goes. — Teresa Blevins