Auction Ends: Jun 8, 2018 10:00 AM PDT

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  1. os8918eeb$1,413
  2. eocd4ae7a$114
  3. cb0e6a4e3$103
  4. cf55e764c$93
  5. sv52f9ac2$85
  6. dk15739aa$82
  7. lauragail$80
  8. lorhop$74
  9. Escartin$62

Help support Triple Talent's camps and productions!

Here's your chance to get dozens of unique items, ranging from amusement park tickets to voice lessons to special items for your home! There's no shortage of items to bid on, and the money spent will go to LMAA/Triple Talent's effort both to support our upcoming productions and provide scholarships for more children to attend!

Show your support by either bidding on any of the dozens of items available or clicking on the "Donate Items" button to contribute to our catalog.

We can't thank you enough! Your participation is an invaluable part of our fundraising efforts. By bidding or donating an item or service directly online, you'll be helping to raise money for children, plus you'll receive a mention on our site that can link back to your own web page.

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