Support Opioid Overdose Prevention and Education
Auction Ends: Jun 27, 2019 08:00 PM EDT

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The Caribbean Dreams Travel Auction is now open. The auction will run from May 2, 2019 to June 2, 2019, with proceeds going to VERMONT CARES to support opioid overdose prevention and education for our Vermont communities and people at risk of fatal overdose. Our harm reduction programs offer free services to people affected by substance use disorder and at risk of drug related harms. Your support will help us to continue to provide these life saving interventions throughout the state. This special campaign to assist with our expansion of harm reduction services across all regions with additional hours and locations. The generosity of Elite Island Resorts has made this possible.

Resort accommodation certificates include world class, luxury vacation accommodations for getaways in Antigua, Barbados, The Grenadines and Panama!! So, tell your friends, family, community. Let the bidding begin!

Make Your Bid to Support the Work of Vermont CARES

Our Mission
Vermont CARES works for and with Vermonters affected by HIV/AIDS to promote well being through a continuum of prevention, support, and advocacy services

Our Vision
Vermont CARES envisions a world of compassionate neighborhoods where:

People live free of the stigma, poverty and oppression associated with the HIV/AIDS epidemic;
People of Vermont make informed decisions about HIV prevention, services and treatment; and
There isn’t a need for Vermont CARES.

Now is your chance to not only get the great vacation you want, but to do it knowing you are helping support people affected by HIV, HCV and substance use disorder. Your contributions will help to save lives! This campaign is focused on supporting our Harm Reduction programming, syringe services, overdose prevention and education, HIV and HCV testing, mobile van services and treatment and recovery support services for Vermonters.

We would like to thank our sponsors....

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