Auction Ends: Sep 6, 2019 12:00 AM EDT

Auction Stats


Top Referrers

  1. John Stephenson1
  2. R Tom Boonyasai1
Refer Your Friends

Top Bidders

  1. MrsTrump$2,610
  2. jfc942498$675
  3. de16eee8a$285
  4. BernieMac$270
  5. Ctwebbuyer$135
  6. cricker$131
  7. tf3306511$90
  8. ashleyzara$29
  9. bichonwheels$20
  10. ss680857e$10

Auction Closed! Thank you for taking part!

The Golf for Good - Tiegerman Golf Outing & Auction 2019 FIRE SALE was a great success.

Thank you all for taking the time to support Tiegerman and The Tiegerman mission of “teaching the extraordinary” reflects the organization’s goal to substantively transform the lives of individuals with developmental disabilities from preschool throughout adulthood by means of the Tiegerman Learning Method. We are committed to providing an enduring opportunity for exceptional instruction, education and support to ensure that the children and adults that we serve achieve their potential in life. We believe that each individual is extraordinary and through our extraordinary efforts they will achieve a more independent and successful future.

Congratulations to everyone who:

  • placed a winning bid
  • generously donated an item for auction
  • invited family, friends and community to make their bid to build a better world

New Auction Begins Late October 2019!

Stay tuned!  and click here to be on the list for our October Auction Premier