Auction Ends: Jun 28, 2020 11:59 PM EDT

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  1. whc8e25f1$1,820
  2. ki7707878$950
  3. pb595a1d2$750
  4. bf0d36ad4$750
  5. mg18f5258$705
  6. lw882e7c3$600
  7. jones123$420
  8. tc65430e5$405
  9. gm1b90a93$375
  10. lj3b85211$360
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The Sister Artists Online Auction and Fundraiser

With this auction we are proud to offer 40 spectacular art quilts for sale as the centerpiece of Sister Artists, a unique partnership between textile artists in Africa and the Global North. 

Each quilt is built around an embroidered block that was stitched by a survivor of gender-based violence in Mali (photo). The blocks describe village life before the artists were assaulted and driven from their homes. 

The blocks were brought to the U.S. by The Advocacy Project (AP). Quilt for Change, an AP Partner and co-sponsor of this auction, then invited its network of art quilters to design quilts around the blocks.

Forty-one quilters from the U.S., United Kingdom, Kenya and Canada responded. Their quilts were exhibited on January 25, 2020 at the Textile Museum in Washington and are now offered for sale in this auction.

AP has produced a companion catalogue, Sister Artists, which is available at $27.50. We are happy to offer a free catalogue with purchases of $500 or above. All proceeds from the auction and catalogue will be invested in an embroidery project for the artists and other survivors of gender-based violence in Mali.

This auction is sponsored by The Advocacy Project, Quilt for Change, and Sini Sanuman. Our deepest thanks to the sister artists from Mali and the Global North; the AP Board of Directors; Pamela Omidyar and Humanity United; Cristy West; Melissa Fairgrieve; Bobbi Fitzsimmons; Merry May; Mary Ellen and Wing Bittner; the Zonta Club of Washington and the many other generous individuals and institutions who support our quilting work.

The Sister Artists Online Auction will open on Monday June 15 2020 and end at 11.59 PM on Sunday June 28, 2020. 


To view the quilts, click above on 'View All Items' and the 'Sort By' dropdown menu. Clip on 'Lot Number Ascending' to see the quilts by number.

If your bid is successful, or to order a catalogue, please pay through the Donate button on the homepage of our website - - and email your delivery details to and cc

For more on the Sister Artists project and gender-based violence in Mali, please visit our website.

 For information on how to place a bid click here.