Auction Ends: Sep 20, 2020 12:00 PM CDT

Featured Sponsor

Auction Stats


Top Referrers

  1. Megan Riaz2
Refer Your Friends

Top Bidders

  1. gb46e01df$1,960
  2. amd1157d7$1,017
  3. tl708629c$940
  4. Dlenglish$810
  5. ehd7d756b$619
  6. bw4017634$540
  7. rp24b883e$420
  8. jm530b10a$370
  9. Tylerlakerose$302
  10. ts89bde2c$270

Because Healthcare Isn't Cancelled 

Starting on September 6, 2020, Bethesda Health Clinic will be auctioning off a number of fun and unique items to bid on to raise money for afforadable healthcare.

Give a little and get a lot in return.
Participate by purchasing an item or donating to fund our "stories of hope."



Live Event Details

Sun Sep 6, 2020 8AM -
Sun Sep 20, 2020 10PM CDT
Add to My Calendar

Althought we can't gather together, we can rally around our patients from a distance! Make sure to tune in to our Stories of Hope, featured on our website. 

Each story will give you a glimpse into the life of a patient who has been transformed by YOUR gifts to Bethesda Health Clinic.

You are the hands and feet of Jesus and our patients have stories to share!

Stories and Ticket Info may be found here:


How to Help:

  • Fund a Need for the clinic 
  • Purchase an item from the online auction
  • Make a gift in honor of one of our patients (stories of hope)
  • Purchase a ticket (link on website) and receive a dinner certificate to Potpourri House, a custom Small Cakes dessert and one entry into our Pandora bracelet drawing 

Thank you to our silent auction sponsor, Paradigm Home Care! 

About Paradigm:

Choosing a home-care provider is not an easy decision.

Paradigm HomeCare bridges the gap between physician and healing, with expert care based on a specific plan of action for each patient. Their nurses and therapists coordinate care with the doctor, patient, and family to minimize symptoms, eliminate unnecessary ER visits and hospitalizations, enhance independence, and improve overall quality of life.

Physicians and patients throughout the region rely on Paradigm for the continuity of care that creates consistent outcomes. Consider the advantages, and make Paradigm HomeCare your proactive plan.

Thank you, Paradigm, for your loyal support of Bethesda Health Clinic! 

We would like to thank our sponsors....


