Auction Ends: Jul 21, 2021 06:00 PM PDT

Auction Stats


Top Bidders

  1. lw4f42448$8,700
  2. jn0d97a3c$755
  3. kab44a9e4$600
  4. swa2dc8bb$565
  5. Wolferd$465
  6. DVPGTS$430
  7. ck0522020$320
  8. bs5b04f32$310
  9. mme8ceab7$275
  10. hrlydvdsn$265

The Auction is Closed

The Celiac Disease Foundation Bid for a Cure Auction is now closed. Thank you for taking the time to click and bid to accelerate critical celiac disease research! 

Congratulations to everyone who:

  • placed a winning bid!
  • generously donated an item for auction!
  • invited family, friends, and community to make their bids for a cure!
  • our valued Sponsors and product donors!

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