Auction Ends: Oct 23, 2021 08:00 PM PDT


        Xenophon Changes Lives!

   We Need Your Support to Continue the Magic!

Support Us 2 Ways - Auction & DONATE NOW (Fund-a-need)

At Xenophon, moments of joy happen every day! In a safe and secure environment, we offer life-changing experiences for children and adults challenged by a wide range of disabilities. Our trained, dependable therapy horses, complete with unconditional love, have an extraordinary ability to inspire confidence, pride, and an exceptional sense of accomplishment. That's the magic of Xenophon...

Xenophon Therapeutic Riding Center provides a broad range of equine-assisted activities and therapies that enhance life skills for children, Veterans, and adults with mental and physical disabilities. But the pandemic canceled our annual fundraiser AGAIN, a loss of over $200,000, and reduced our capability to provide healthy outdoor interaction for our participants.

Click on our video below to learn more about our programs!

Moments of Change from Xenophon Therapeutic Riding Ctr on Vimeo.

      Please support Xenophon's Auction & Fund-A-Need

DONATE NOW to our Fund-A-Need projects - several large maintenance projects that were postponed from last year and a new horse to lessen the stressful workload of our herd - from upgrade repairs to our mounting ramps to a halter for Bo, our new mustang!

And BID on our Auction including special one-of-a-kind Pony Pop Art paintings from our students and alumni in partnership with our talented horses - Watch how they are painted!  PLUS an exclusive Family Fun Ride for 4, an autographed World Series bound SF Giants jersey, Lake Tahoe Getaway, and local gift cards!

Thank you for your support!