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Auction Links
Top Items
- Hand Carved Atlantic Puffin
- Door - 9 x 7 by P.D.Q. Door
- Books by Chris VanDusen - signed
- Guini Ridge Farm $100 Gift Certificate
- Franny's Bistro - $100 Gift Certificate
- Cat Bowls - Raised
- Lie-Neilson Block Plane - Low Angle
- Hand Painted Window -Stained Glass Design
- Lottery Wreath #2
- Lottery Wreath #1
Top Bidders
- karfox$2,070
- Xyz50ff21a$932
- ck82ead99$731
- dhdf45550$700
- Twenty$684
- as25a90ca$592
- hg6c99dbf$566
- jgd86564c$518
- ah4e96015$499
- bbca2f986$490
Welcome to PAWS biggest online event of the year!
Thank you for participating in this year's auction!
Please consider paying the processing fee so more of the funds can help the animals in need.
All net proceeds benefit the animals at PAWS, providing food, shelter, community support services, preventative care, adoption, and in many cases, life-saving veterinary care and most importantly, love.
For more information about the services and programs offered to the community by PAWS please visit out website at and follow PAWS on Facebook at
**Large or heavy items cannot be shipped and must be picked up at PAWS on: Friday, Saturday, Sunday - December 8, 9, 10th from 11am until 2pm in the Community Room - Please park out back and enter through the door on the far right. Items not picked up will be forfeited without refund.
Shipping charged will be billed to the winning bidder
Thank you to our awesome sponsors and item donors!
Event Sponsors: The Feldman Family, Seadog, Camden, Smiling Cow, Cape Air, Pet Maine, Downeast Dog News, The Green Store, Little River Veterinary Hospital & Hazels Takeout.
Item donors:
250 Main Hotel
AllPlay Family Entertainment Center
Amy Dietrich Design
Atlantic Baking
Aubuchon Hardware
Bagel Cafe
Bangor Symphony
Barefoot in Denim
Bay Area Fitness
Bay Chamber Concerts
Bayside Store
Belfast Co-Op
Belfast FiberArts
Belfast Variety
Belfast Veterinary Hospital
Bell the Cat
Bixby & Co.
Blue Jacket Shipcrafters
Blue Jay Baby & Gift Boutique
Blueberry Farm Alpacas
Brio Custom
Camden Fire Dept.
Camden Garden Club
Camden Harbor Cruises
Camden Hills Dentistry
Camden House of Pizza
Camden Jewelry
Camden Maine Massage Therapy
Camden Opera House
Camden Riverhouse Hotel
Camden Snow Bowl
Canopy Garden Shop
Cape Air
Captain Swift Inn
CG Bikes
Chase's Daily
Chris Van Dusen
Coastal Children's Museum
Colburn Shoe Store
Cotton Garden
Coyote Moon
Craignair Inn
Creative Creations for You
David Rosenfelt
Delvino's Grill and Pasta House
Don Foshay's Discount Tire
Dot's Market
DownEast Magazine
Eastern Tire & Auto
EBS Building Supplies
Eleanor Lawrie
Eric Hopkins
Farnsworth Art Museum
Fiddlehead Artisan Supply
Fiore Artisan Olive Oils and Vinegars
Flagship Cinemas
FlatBread Pizza
Flowers by Hoboken - Rockland
Foster's Family Pet Center
Franny's Bistro
Fresh Off The Farm
Front Street Pub
Gary Akers
Glendarrah Lavender Farm
Golfers Crossing Mini Golf
Good Tern Co-Op
Goose River Farm Meat Store
Granite Coast Orthodontics
Grasshopper Shop of Rockland
Green Thumb Garden Center
Green Tree Coffee and Tea
Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co
Guini Ridge Farm
Hannaford's Belfast
Hannaford's Camden
Hartstone Inn
Haskell's Water Treatment
Hazel's Takeout
Hillary Steinau
Home Depot - Rockland
Home Kitchen Cafe
Home Supply Center
Hope General Store
House Of Logan
In Good Company
JessieTobias Design
Jody Johnstone Pottery
John's Ice Cream
Jon Linn Aerial Photography
Kiss My Boots
Knox Museum
Kristin Johns
Laugh Loud Smile Big
Lee Rowan
Left Bank Books
Liberty Graphics
Lie-Nielsen ToolWorks, Inc
Lily Lupine and Fern
Lincoln Center Theater
Lincolnville Fire Department
Lobster Pound Maine
Loyal Biscuit
Mac Attack
MacLeod Furniture
Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry
Maine Maritime Museum
Maine Seaside Treasures
Maine State Prison Showroom
Margo Moore
Mariners Hockey
Maritime Energy
Marshall Wharf Brewing Company
Mazzeo's Stoves and Fireplaces
Merryspring Nature Center
Midcoast Recreation Center
Midcoast Symphony Orchestra
Mike McCune
Mixed Greens
Moody Dog
Moody's Diner
Moose Crossing Garden Center
Mountain Street Pottery
Nancy Lubin Design
Nathaniel J. Bernier
Once a Tree
Opera House Video
Out on a Whimsey
Owls Head Transportation Museum
P.D.Q. Door
Pen Bay YMCA
PenBay Veterinary Associates...
Perry's Nut House
Pizza Hut Rockland
Planet Fitness
Planet Toys - Camden
Plants Unlimited
Portable Pie Place
Portland Sea Dogs
Ports of Italy
Primrose Framing
Prince's Furniture
Red's Eats
Rock City Cafe Roasters
Rockport Blueprint
Rockport Diner
Rukus Donuts
Scenic Flights of Acadia
Schooner Olad and Cutter Owl
Schooner Surprise
Scone Goddess
Scott's Place
ScrapDogs Community Compost
Sea Dog Brewing
Seasons Downeast
Serendipity Fine Consignment
Sherman's Maine Coast Book Store
Sogno Salon
Strand Theater
Stonewall Kitchen
Studio 494
Superior Restoration Services
Susan Fogwell
Suzuki's Sushi Bar
Tess Gerritsen
The Good Table
The Green Store
The Harley Company
The Leather Bench
The Only Doughnut
The Purple Baboon
The Red Cottage
Thomas Bucci
Tick Talk Maine
Tony's Property Services
TOPO Gallery
Trader Joe's Portland
Twisted Twig Studios
Union Farm Equipment
Uproot Pie Company
VIP Auto
Vivien & Coco
Wasses Hot Dogs
Whale's Tooth Pub
Whistling Whale Coffee Bar
Wild Cow Creamery
Windsor Chairmakers
Wooden Alchemy
Young's Lobster Pound
Zack Shack
Zoot Coffee