Les Dames d'Escoffier - Austin Chapter – 2012 Food Fight!
Auction Ends: Oct 20, 2012 12:59 AM EDT

Food & Gourmet Items

3 Months of Bola Frozen Pizza

Item Number
Estimated Value
$150 USD
$120 USD to Tuatara
Number of Bids
13  -  Bid History

Item Description

Bola Pizza Declares War on Frozen Pizza! Cold-fermented dough and highest quality ingredients. Wood Fired in Austin Texas. Swinging Hot! Winning bidder receives 4 pizzas a month for three months (or all at once for one great pizza party) -- 12 total pizzas. Winner picks up pizzas from Bola kitchen at the beginning of each month.

Item Special Note

Winning bidder pays for shipping and handling of the gift certificate.

No Refunds or Exchanges.

Expires on October 19, 2013.

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