Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) – 2013 GLAD Summer Party
Auction Ends: Jul 25, 2013 01:00 PM EDT

Restaurants - 17 ITEMS (1 - 17)

Item Name Item Number Donor Value Leading Bid Time Left
$50 at BlackFish - Truro, MA 822 BlackFish $50USD $120USDSOLD CLOSED
$50 at Flour Bakery + Cafe - Boston, MA 818 Flour Bakery + Cafe $50USD $75USDSOLD CLOSED
$50 at Picco Restaurant - Boston's South End 808 Picco Restaurant $50USD $70USDSOLD CLOSED
$50 to The Elephant Walk - Boston, MA 814 The Elephant Walk Restaurant Group, Inc. $50USD $65USDSOLD CLOSED
Dinner for Two at Teatro Restaurant - Boston, MA 815 Teatro $50USD $75USDSOLD CLOSED
One Fireside Chat for Two at The Fireplace - Brookline, MA 813 The Fireplace $60USD $90USDSOLD CLOSED
Lunch for Two at Blue Ginger and Autographed Copy of Ming's Master Recipes - Wellesley, MA 812 Blue Ginger $65USD $90USDSOLD CLOSED
Dinner for Two at Myers + Chang - Boston, MA 820 Myers + Chang $80USD $100USDSOLD CLOSED
$100 at Dbar - Dorchester, MA 806 dbar $100USD $140USDSOLD CLOSED
$100 at Hamersly's Bistro - Boston, MA 811 Hamersley's Bistro $100USD $160USDSOLD CLOSED
$100 at Kika Tapas - Cambridge, MA 805 Kika Tapas $100USD $93USDSOLD CLOSED
$100 at Mistral Restaurant - Boston's South End 807 Mistral $100USD $140USDSOLD CLOSED
$100 at Upstairs on the Square - Cambridge, MA 804 Upstairs on the Square $100USD $120USDSOLD CLOSED
Dinner for Two at Union Bar & Grill - Boston's South End 810 Union Bar and Grill $100USD $140USDSOLD CLOSED
$125 at Maggiano's Little Italy - Boston, MA 803 Maggiano's Little Italy $125USD $125USDSOLD CLOSED
Dinner for Two at Strega Waterfront - Boston, MA 801 Strega Waterfront & The Varano Group $150USD $160USDSOLD CLOSED
Dinner and a Show at Scullers Jazz Club - Boston, MA 802 Scullers Jazz Club $180USD $205USDSOLD CLOSED