WISE Foundation – Visions & Vines 2015
Auction Ends: Apr 19, 2015 05:00 PM PDT

Travel - 6 ITEMS (1 - 6)

Item Name Item Number Donor Value Leading Bid Time Left
Jenner by the Sea- One Night Stay 156 Jenner by the Sea $200USD $130USDSOLD CLOSED
Benbow Historic Inn 162 Benbow Inn $240USD $160USDSOLD CLOSED
Get Away and Play 206 Grand Sierra Resort and Casino $300USD $75USDSOLD CLOSED
Petaluma KOA 226 San Francisco/North Petaluma KOA $97USD $80USDSOLD CLOSED
La Costa #1 Resort Spa in Southern California - vacation package for 8 371 Priceless SOLD Live Event
Apr 18, 2015
Cavallo Point - The Lodge at the Golden Gate, Gift Certificate 372 Cavallopoint Lodge $500USD $440USDSOLD CLOSED

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