OPEN HOUSE NURSERY SCHOOL – Open House Spring Fling 2021
Auction Ends: May 14, 2021 07:45 PM EDT

Art - 8 ITEMS (1 - 8)

Item Name Item Number Donor Value Leading Bid Time Left
Savannah Room Art Project 218 100USD 142USDSOLD CLOSED
Ace and Em: Paper and Keepsake Gift Set 162 180USD 95USDSOLD CLOSED
Amy Weil: "hanging out,"; Abstract Encaustic Painting 220 Amy Weil 350USD 160USDSOLD CLOSED
Maura Woodward: "St. George," Acrylic on Canvas 208 450USD 220USDSOLD CLOSED
Bayou Room Herb/Flower Planter 217 Priceless 255USDSOLD CLOSED
Garden Room Class Art Project 215 Priceless 500USDSOLD CLOSED
Illustrated Print + Signed Book by Alessandra Olanow 209 Priceless 65USDSOLD CLOSED
Meadow Room Artwork: Interpretations of Kandinsky's Squares with Concentric Circles 118 Priceless CLOSED