UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST CONGREGATIONAL – Boxborough UCC Merrie Christmas Fair Silent Auction 2024
Auction Ends: Nov 23, 2024 06:00 PM EST

Toys & Games - 18 ITEMS (1 - 18)

Item Name Item Number Donor Value Leading Bid Time Left
Azul Board Game 364 Ellen Hickey and Eric Michnovez $32USD $41USDSOLD CLOSED
Bosch Mini Toy Drill/Screwdriver 345 Mary and Dave Pavlik $20USD $15USDSOLD CLOSED
Building Blocks with Storage Tote Bag 202 Marlee and Dave Roberts $53USD $40USDSOLD CLOSED
Collage Postcards Kit 301 Kellie and Peter Senghas $15USD $12USDSOLD CLOSED
Diamond Painting Light 343 Mary and Dave Pavlik $22USD $17USDSOLD CLOSED
Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook and Dice Set 204 Kathie and John Jamieson $65USD $49USDSOLD CLOSED
Flying Orb Hoverball Toy 254 Middlesex Savings Bank $29USD $30USDSOLD CLOSED
Garden Art Kit 344 Mary and Dave Pavlik $15USD $14USDSOLD CLOSED
Grow n' Glow Terrarium 367 Elizabeth Brown $15USD CLOSED
Hey Clay Animals Set 352 Kathie and Gary Schwarting $22USD CLOSED
Hide & Seek Hydro Dip Rocks 366 Elizabeth Brown $13USD $10USDSOLD CLOSED
Horse Puppet by cate & levi 330 Suzanne Boyden $28USD $21USDSOLD CLOSED
Learning Express Gift Card 115 Learning Express in Acton $20USD $17USDSOLD CLOSED
LEGO Super Mario Mighty Bowser Model Kit 314 Nancy Stillman $220USD $185USDSOLD CLOSED
Lionel's Disney "Frozen" Ready-to-Play Train Set 109 Ralph DeMent $85USD CLOSED
Lionhearts Kit by The Artful Spirit 302 Kellie and Peter Senghas $15USD $12USDSOLD CLOSED
Make That Most Magnificent Thing -- The Game 342 Mary and Dave Pavlik $20USD $15USDSOLD CLOSED
Sno-Storm Premium Sled 251 Middlesex Savings Bank $20USD $16USDSOLD CLOSED

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