Wildlife SOS – Bid to be Wild 2021
Auction Ends: May 7, 2021 05:00 PM MDT

Virtual Gifts

Buy a sewing machine for Kalandar women

Item Number
Estimated Value
$25 USD
Buy Now Price
$25 USD
Quantity Available
45 – Purchase History

Item Description

As many of you know, the project to successfully bring an end to 'dancing bears' in India was successful because of the focus by Wildlife SOS on retraining the Kalandar people to have a new way to earn an income for their family.  Instead of exploiting wildlife, they have now learned new skills to earn an income for their families.  Many of the women now create handmade items that are sold to support themselves.

Would you consider donating to buy a sewing machine for the Kalandar women?

The purchase of one of these items helps to keep India 'dancing bear' free. 


Any funds received from the auction may be utilized to support any of the programs of Wildlife SOS.