Watermelon Window Painting by artist Cory Robinson
- Item Number
- 338
- Estimated Value
- $300 USD
- Sold
- $75 USD to jboulind
- Number of Bids
- 5 - Bid History
Item Description
Watermelon Window painting by artist Cory Robinson. Cory Robinson was born and raised in Hartford Connecticut. He graduated from Central Connecticut State University in 2004 with a bachelors of Art and Sciences in mass communications with a focus on film and a minor in painting. Realizing that he had no desire to live in LA or NYC to pursue film he moved to the City of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia. He has resided here since 2004. This is where he developed his love for old architecture expecially old found windows. He started painting in reverse on old found windows.Cory has done numerous window paintings including many for Urban Outfitters.
For more information about Cory Robinson and his work, visit his website at
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