Brooklyn Community Services – BID 4 BKLYN
Auction Ends: Jun 3, 2014 10:00 PM EDT

Neighbor to Neighbor

Neighbor to Neighbor Fund: Back to School

Item Number
Estimated Value
500 USD
Buy Now Price
50 USD
Quantity Available
2 – Purchase History

Item Description

The Back to School Drive would assist low-income families with the costs of starting a new school year.  Each year families are already being asked  to buy new uniforms, clothes for their growing children, new shoes and winter coats. For large families, these costs really add up. We want to make the burden lighter by helping parents cover the cost of school supplies such as backpacks, lunch bags, notebooks, binders, pens and pencils and make the children excited to start the new year with brand new supplies.
-A $500 donation, would provide three children with a uniform, backpack and school supplies so that they can be prepared for the new school year.

Item Special Note

About the BCS Neighbor to Neighbor Fund: BCS works within under-resourced neighborhoods that have not benefited from the Brooklyn resurgence.  For many of the clients we serve, even minor emergencies can be devastating to providing basic client essentials for their families.  We work with families who struggle to provide formula and diapers for their babies, food and clothing for their homes, and school uniforms and supplies for their children. Unforeseen personal crises, changes in public assistance and natural disasters can destroy a family. With limited resources, BCS strives to be that lifeline for clients on the edge of crises.  Our hope is to gain reliable financial support to rapidly respond to the needs of ONE Brooklyn Community.


“Bidding” on a Neighbor to Neighbor item is considered a donation directly to benefit a certain program, activity, grant or class. All amounts for Neighbor to Neighbor purchases are tax deductible donations to Brooklyn Community Services.  You will receive a tax receipt for your donation following the close of the auction.