Woodland School – Woodland 2015 Auction and Gala
Auction Ends: May 11, 2015 12:59 AM PDT

Woodland Experiences

An Evening of Stargazing: Mystery Objects in Our Skies

Item Number
Estimated Value
25 USD
Buy Now Price
25 USD
Quantity Available
8 – Purchase History

Item Description

There are some really baffling deep space objects in our skies, and the list keeps growing.  Modern telescopes and the surveys underway turn up images that puzzle astronomers even today.  The Hubble telescope continues to reveal a universe that is stranger and more spectacular than we ever imagined.  Sometimes the untrained (but curious!) observer can become a “superstar” overnight – have you heard that a middle school biology teacher recently surprised the astronomy community by pointing to a mystery object that she had located on one such image done by a survey?!

So . . . how can youngsters contribute actively to astronomy?  Did you know that if you locate a new object in the skies, it could be named after you?

We will spend a few minutes looking at some of the puzzling images that have stumped modern astronomers. Then we'll go outside and observe the night skies, the Moon, the planets and galaxies through some really powerful telescopes.

As Yogi Berra said, “You can observe a lot by just watching....”

The evening will also include a sampling of solar sweets, celestial cookies, and lunar libations, including cosmic cocoa!  We will also have a solar scope setup prior to the presentation for those who want to come early and observe details of the sun.  

Your hosts for the evening are the following Woodland parents:

Madhu Thangavelu, fellow of the NASA Institute of Advanced Concepts currently working on co-robotic technologies to build extraterrestrial structures; Rich van der Linde, Director of Operations at a semiconductor start-up in Silicon Valley and an amateur astronomer; and Barbara McKee, managing partner of a San Francisco investment advisory company and a lifelong amateur astronomer.  




Item Special Note

DATE:  Evening of Friday, May 22, 2015; if viewing conditions are poor, the event will be held the evening of Saturday, May 23.

WINNERS:  50 adults and/or children

LOCATION:  Woodland School Patio


Donated By:

Madhu Thangavelu

Barbara J. S. McKee

Rich Van der Linde