4 Tickets to Weird Al at the Hollywood Bowl!
- Item Number
- 164
- Estimated Value
- $778 USD
- Sold
- $401 USD to slad5231f
- Number of Bids
- 9 - Bid History
Item Description
When the hilariously irreverent “Weird Al” Yankovic takes over the Bowl, with the backing of a full orchestra, all bets are off. Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for his Mandatory World Tour, a wild ride through 30 years of pop culture parodies and original satire by the four-time Grammy-winning artist who turns mockery into witty modern art.
Pool Circle box for four people, with a valet parking pass, for the July 22 performance.
Item Special Note
Programs, artists, dates, prices and availability subject to change.
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