Gordon Jewish Community Center – P2G Psalms Art Project
Auction Ends: Dec 1, 2016 09:00 PM EST


Eye To Eye by Chava Gadish

Item Number
Estimated Value
$600 USD
Opening Bid
$180 USD

Item Description

Oil on canvas


Chava, whose artwork has dealt with space, paints the Helix Nebula. This "Eye of G-d" sends rainbow light beams to the world and space. Leslie portrays the Heavens created by G-d as a tent (Ps:19) sheltering humankind. We form enduring bonds with G-d by turning our eyes to each other. The net connecting our artwork symbolizes enduring bonds and energy flowing between G-d above and humankind sheltered below within His Tent.

Chava Gadish is a painter from Hadera, Israel.

Item Special Note

Bidder is responsible for shipping and handling fees, which will be added to the winning bid amount. Items will be shipped via UPS and billed at standard industry rates.