ABC Basset Hound Rescue – 2018 Bucks for Bassets
Auction Ends: Oct 28, 2018 11:00 PM EDT

Basset Hound Rescue

Fund An Item-Senior Screen

Item Number
Estimated Value
60 USD
Buy Now Price
60 USD
Quantity Available
1 – Purchase History

Item Description

Every year, senior bassets are turned over to basset hound rescue. After these dogs have given a family the best years of their life, they are turned in due to new babies in the family, relocation, high cost of vet bills, accidents in the house, etc.

Please help ABC Basset Hound Rescue by "buying now" and helping us pay for a "senior screen" on a senior basset hound.

Item Special Note

Please note: this is a straight donation to ABC BHR so that we can provide a senior with a "senior screen" with a veterinarian.