$50 Gift Certificate to Chicago Mosaic School
- Item Number
- 118
- Estimated Value
- $50 USD
- Sold
- $40 USD to TreacyG
- Number of Bids
- 5 - Bid History
Item Description
Since it was founded in early 2005, The Chicago Mosaic School has become the premier center of education for Mosaic Arts in the United States. As the first non-profit school of its kind, CMS provides artists interested in serious study with an academic, materially-oriented approach to art education in the World Master tradition. Now in our 12th year, the school gives artists, teachers, and enthusiasts of all levels a place to explore all facets of mosaics- from classical reproduction to contemporary abstraction. CMS hosts some of the world’s most inï¬Â?uential mosaic instructors from as far as Italy, England, France, Japan and Australia. The influence of the a new generation of mosaic artists can be seen around the world through the recognition of the work of our students.
Winning bid receives a $50 gift certificate towards a Mosaics Basics Workshop
Item Special Note
Expires 2/22/21
Donated By:
Chicago Mosaic School
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