Manhattan Country School – MCS Farm Festival 2021
Auction Ends: Oct 24, 2021 11:59 PM EDT


Arm/Forehead Painting and Balloon Twisting!

Item Number
Estimated Value
$250 USD
$105 USD to sgbd74232
Number of Bids
3  -  Bid History

Item Description

2 hours of arm/forehead painting and/or balloon twisting from top NYC children's entertainer Sarah of 'Sarah's Faces and Balloons!'

Ideal for children's parties 3-7 years old, but OK for older kids too and even adults.

Visit Sarah's Faces and Balloons for examples of previous work.

Item Special Note

  • Party must be outdoors and my policy is rain or shine. I'll do my best to accommodate rain dates but it's not always possible.
  • I can paint or twist for approximately 12 children per hour.
  • There will be a travel fee for some areas of Brooklyn/Bronx/out of NYC.
  • Gratuity not included.
  • I am fully vaccinated, I wear a mask at all times and I sanitize brushes and hands regularly.
  • Children 3 and up are required to wear a mask getting their foreheads painted.

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